Botanical Surprise: Bell peppers are technically fruits, not vegetables 

Bell peppers come in various colors—red, green, yellow, and orange—each signifying distinct ripeness levels and nutritional benefits. 

Green bell peppers, less ripe than their counterparts, offer a more bitter taste and lower sugar 

Yellow and orange bell peppers strike a balance between sweetness and nutritional content, providing vitamin C, vitamin A 

Red bell peppers are the most nutrient-dense, containing higher levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, and lycopene 

Bell peppers, regardless of color, pack essential nutrients, including vitamins C, A, B6, and B9, along with fiber, contributing to overall health. 

Bell peppers can be enjoyed in various ways, from incorporating them into meals like chili and stir-fry to using them 

The choice between raw and cooked bell peppers offers varied nutrient benefits, with cooking altering absorption levels, and tips on maximizing nutritional value